Friday, July 16, 2010

a post about various things

Hello! A few things have happened since we last spoke. First of all, I have fallen head over heals in love with Murdoch mysteries. I recommend that each and every one of you watch at least one episode. You can watch them online for free here. You will find it hard to watch just one. Detective Murdoch is just so charming. Not that that has anything to do with witch craft, but I just had to mention it. Thing #2: That little witch craft bug still is not biting. I try casting a circle, but it just doesn't feel right. Just a little follow up on "On ignoring my faith part 1 and 2". Any ways, Thing #3 is that celtfest was amazing. Lots of live fiddle music and dancing and ice cream (any body who knows me personally will know that I love suger and more specifically ice cream more than a 3 year old). Thing #4 is a little longer. I have been thinking a lot about what I want out of my spirituality lately and was thinking a lot about the god and goddess. I like to think of them as not separate entities from us, but aspects of the world around us. The god is all that is masculine and the goddess is all that is feminine. I personally like to think of the god and goddess as the great mother and father of all. If you think of them that way, than we are siblings. Every plant or bird or anything natural, we are all brothers and sisters. Now, I am finding it difficult to finish this thought so I am just going to leave it like that.

Blessed be,

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Im excited!

I am going to celtfest this weekend! So excited!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

On ignoring my faith part 2

In "On ignoring my faith" I was talking about how I have been, surprise; ignoring my faith. I have been meditating every night and cast a few circles. I love how refreshed I feel after meditating or casting a circle. I am also wearing my pentacle necklace under my shirt as a constant reminder of that part of me. Thats all for now.

Blessed be,

Oh please.

I posted this on Ravelry but I wanted to share it with you guys.

I am sure that there is more than one article like this, but please. Anyways, this is really stupid and I feel like ranting.

Anyways, really now

“it is out of concern for your spiritual destiny that we write about Wicca”

I am think I can handle my own spiritual destiny thank you very much. oh, right I am going to hell for practicing witch craft. Ok, i’ll keep that in mind. and then there’s this:

“if he said that there are demonic forces that trick people, then it is true. If he says not to get involved with séances, necromancy, divination, spells, etc., then we shouldn’t.”

So if jesus says “every body run on to the street naked and do the funky chicken” than we should do it?

Lastly, after about 3 paragraphs about how great jesus is they give you this comment:

“Isn’t it best to trust the one who claimed to be divine, proved his divinity, performed miraculous deeds, and rose from the dead rather than trusting spells and incantations whose source cannot be verified?

Jesus does not lie. Please trust in him and ask Jesus to forgive your sins and to show you the true path. After all, Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father but by me,” (John 14:6). If Jesus is the way just as he said he was, then he is THE only truth path.”

IF jesus is the way he said. IF being the operative word. And for the record, I am fine with my spells and incantations thank you very much.
do they honestly think they are going to convert any one with this crap? Religion is some thing that should be deeply personal and I wish they would get that. I know, not all Christians are like this, but the ones that are just drive be nuts. I mean aren’t we all just taking different paths up the same mountain?

Friday, June 18, 2010

on ignoring my faith

Hello all. I seem to have no excuse for not posting lately as my new computer is all set up and I can use it in private. Any ways I wanted to talk about the fact that I have been sort of ignoring my faith as of late. I don't really know why but I think it has to do with the fact that I am reasoning that the chance of getting caught out ways any benefit I may receive from a ritual or spell casting. I have how ever been hanging out at the local metaphysical shop, and am friends with the owner. It is nice to have a place where I can just talk the craft, it is like a sanctuary. I know how materialistic it must seem that my sanctuary is a store, but rest assured that I have internal and spiritual sacred space as well.

Some of the things I have been doing to help my spiritual life are listing to a pod class, Ariel's A Witches Primer and listing to lots of pod casts. I try to do a tarot spread every night and might even try to post it some times. I also try to meditate every night. You probably think "great! what is exactly is your problem?" Well, the problem is that I don't like doing these things. I don't know what to say any more and would like your input. Even if you have nothing to say on the mater, it would be nice to know that some one out there is listing.

Blessed be,

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

just a note on posting

I will try to post as often as I can, but my posting depends on me getting enough un-interrupted time on the computer. As I said, I will post as often as I can, so bare with me.

When I do post, it is really really really nice to get comments :).

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Hi! My name is madeleine (but you can call me coral!) and I am 13 years old. I just started practicing witchcraft. I know I sound like just another teen witch who watches those stupid shows (whats it called- charmed? correct me if I am wrong) but in my opinion of watching those shows to learn about witch craft is the equivalent of watching Greys Anatomy and saying you're a doctor. I strive to get as far away from the stereotypes as I can get. I practice a wicca type form of witch craft, but am carful not to call it wicca because apparently you have to be initiated in to a coven and I have no interest in that. Now that we have covered the witch part of my blog title, lets move on to the knitter. I am a very good knitter. Knitting, just like witch craft is a way of life and I am living it. If you want to see my knitting blog, google Grumbleknits. all one word. the reason I am not just posting a link is because my mother checks my site meter and sees where all my visitors are coming from which brings me to the third part of my blog title: the broom closet. Pretty self explanatory.

Some other things about me:

-I am a science geek, I love science and I love to incorporate it in to my spirituality and I want to be a doctor some day.

-I come from a family of atheists which is why I can't tell them because I was the most atheist of all and the most skeptical. I am still a atheist in the sense that I do not believe in a deity, but more on that later.

- I love pod casts. I love Fiethline Stuart's pod cast Sprits cast. And the Wigglian way. Such a great source of knowledge and can be secretly tucked away on my iPod.

This will be an online journal of my adventures, epiphanies and thoughts in paganism. I hope you will join me.

Blessed be,